I would definitely recommend the team at NewZealandCompanyFormation.com to anyone interested in setting up a business here. Not only did they provide incorporation assistance, they answered various questions at all stages during the process. All in all, they were a very helpful team.
Attorney at Law Cristian Darie – Darie, Manea & Associates (rolegal.com)

Excellent services offered by a team of lawyers who are case-specific and detail-oriented. They provided the most suitable solution for doing business in New Zealand and they were prompt in answering questions related to the overall incorporation process and the relevant foreign investment laws.
Francesco Dagnino – Partner of Lexia Avvocati (lawyersitaly.eu)

They are an efficient and friendly team, ready to assist their clients with whatever questions they have. With their help, the company formation process is seamless and the local regulations for foreign investors are easier to understand.
Attorney at Law Mihai Cuc – MHC Law Firm (romanianlawoffice.com)

The entire company registration process in New Zealand is simplified when working with their team. With their guidance, I was able to sort certain matters related to specific documents. Moreover, I received ongoing feedback and counseling.
Federico Richardson Alborna – Partner of Lexidy Law Boutique SLP (lawyersspain.eu)