Boat registration in NZ is a one-time requirement, used to identify the vessel and for which our team of New Zealand company formation experts can assist you. Not all types of ships or personal watercraft are subject to registration in New Zealand, however, boat owners should be well aware of the rules and regulations in force. In this article, our team specializing in New Zealand company formation discusses the need to register a ship that will be used for personal purposes or for commercial purposes, if you open a company that offers ship tours.
Recreational boat registration in NZ is not mandatory, as a pleasure Bessel is included in the list of exempted ships.
Boat owners who have a yacht and plan to voyage overseas will be subject to registration and, as such, the ship will be included in the New Zealand yacht register, part of the New Zealand Register of Ships.
Table of Contents
Types of vessel registrations
There are two types of ship registration in New Zealand, and they are concerned mainly with the type of vessel: Part A registration and Part B registration.
Part A registration is primarily for larger commercial vessels:
- Benefits: grants the ship New Zealand nationality when travelling overseas; protects its registered name and provides proof of ownership;
- Requirements: provide a complete set of documents to the Maritime Registrar of Ships;
- Registration documents: filled-in registration form, declaration of ownership and nationality, representative person’s appointment, additional documents according to the length of the ship;
- Costs: to be paid once the application is verified; the applicant receives an invoice; you can see the costs below.
Part B registration is primarily for recreational boat registration in New Zealand that will engage in a voyage overseas:
- Benefits: the ship has New Zealand nationality overseas and the name of the vessel remains protected as long as it is registered;
- Duration: 5 years and it can be renewed provided that the boat registration in NZ details remain the same.
If you wish to know more or require assistance, our team can help you.
Vessel registration situations
The vessel is registered in the following situations:
- A commercial vessel that exceeds 24 meters, and it is New-Zealand owned; it is registered in Part A;
- A pleasure vessel, New-Zealand owned, that will be going overseas; it is registered in Part A or Part B.
- Optional registrations are in place in case of vessels owner by foreign nationals who reside indefinitely in New Zealand under the Immigration Act.
The following fees apply:
- $2,450 for the initial registry of a new build ship exceeding 24m;
- $1,715 for the initial registry of a new build ship not exceeding 24m;
- $2,940 for the re-registry of an existing ship of over 24m;
- $2,205 for the re-registry of an existing ship under 24m.
Please note that these costs can be subject to change.
All boat registrations, and changes thereof, are listed in the New Zealand Register of Ships, which can also be seen as the NZ yacht register. The following are included:
- changing the registered address of the ship or the vessel ownership;
- the vessel’s representative person;
- replacement Certificates of Registration and more.
Individuals can search the register and look for a particular ship. A certified transcript of the register entry for the ship can be issued upon request, subject to a fee.
Like in the case of company formation, and registering the business name, individuals can also search for available boat names before commencing the process for boat registration in New Zealand.
We can help you determine if the ship is subject to registration and we also assist those who wish to obtain specific information from the New Zealand Register of Ships.
Contact us if you want to open a company in New Zealand and, as part of the process, you are interested in boat registration in NZ.
At the core of our activities are our services for those who wish to start a business in New Zealand. You can reach out to us if you have questions about the set-up process, the available forms of business, the pre-registration and the post-registration requirements, the employment of staff, and the payment of taxes. We offer complete solutions for those who wish to start their business in NZ.
Our team of New Zealand company formation agents will also give you details about other special permits and licenses, according to the business activities.
You can rely on our services for boat registration when the owner of the vessel is an individual or a legal entity. The core of our activity consists of services tailored to the needs of investors who wish to set up a company in New Zealand. However, our team also includes experts who can provide assistance and guidance in other fields of interest for business owners. You can reach out to us as needed.
We also assist foreign investors who wish to open a branch in New Zealand.